Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HTC Magnum? The Largest Windows Mobile 6 Device

HTC Magnum has posted a about a gigantic tablet-like device called the HTC Magnum. From the photo, you can tell that it is running… Windows Mobile, which is funny when you associate the word “mobile” with the device on the photo. I guess that you could call it “transportable”. Also, it is said to have an OLED display, which is surprising, given the size and the thickness of this monster.

It looks more like something that you would carry around to demonstrate Windows Mobile 6 rather than an actual product, but we just don’t know. What do you think? Portalppc also has published some crazy specs, but we don’t believe that they are correct:

  • Operating system: Windows Mobile 6.1
  • CPU: 800MHz Marvell
  • Display: OLED Display, Touch, WVGA the 65000 colors
  • 2GB ROM and 256MB RAM
  • Weight: 730g with battery (incredible!)
  • GPS: SiRFStar III
  • WiFi, Bluetooth, WiMax, HSDPA
  • Graphic Processor: Mobile 128MB ATI
  • Weight: 730g with battery
  • Battery: Fuel Cell with autonomy for 30 hours

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